from Heaven, and the world and the flesh will be made subject to your sway. Neither will you fear your Enemy, the Devil, if you are armed with faith, and signed with the cross of Christ.
Set yourself therefore, like a good and faithful servant of Christ, to bear manfully the cross of you Lord, who out of love for you was crucified. Prepare yourself to bear many adversities and diverse troubles in this miserable life; for so it will be with you, wherever you are, and so surely you will find it wherever you hide yourself. So it must be; nor is there any remedy or means to escape from tribulation and pain of evils, but only to endure. Drink of the Lord's cup† with all your heart, if you desire to be His friend, and share all with Him. As for comforts, leave them to God; let Him do as will best please Him. But set yourself to suffer tribulations, and account them the greatest comforts: “Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”,† even though you alone were to suffer them all.
When you will come to this state— that tribulation† will seem sweet, and you will relish it for Christ's sake— then think it to be well with you, for you have found Heaven on earth. As long as it is grievous to you to suffer, and you desire to flee it, so long will you be ill at ease, and the desire